Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation

Configuration parameters


In this article, you can view a list of ispmanager 6 configuration parameters in alphabetical order.

Ispmanager 6 has the main configuration file and the corresponding directory with additional configuration files. Therefore, certain parameters can be specified both in the main and additional files. Pay attention to this information when searching for a parameter value.

The name of the main configuration file and additional files directory:

the file etc/ispmgr.conf and the directory etc/ispmgr.conf.d/

The tables below show parameters/options and control panels where they can be specified.

For a full list of parameters, please refer to the article Configuration file.

WWW-domains management module

Options/Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
AcmeSkipAccountCheck+++ Disables checking the number of unsuccessful attempts to connect to the Let's Encrypt account
ApacheITK++This option is added if Apache ITK is utilized 
DisableWebDBReadConf++Disable manual modification of web-server's configuration files
DisableSecurePhpBin++Do not create the php-bin secure directory
EnableAcmeshDebug++The log of issuing and updating LE certificates is written to the file /usr/local/mgr5/var/ispmgr_acme_sh.log. By default, the option is disabled.
NameVirtualHostDropped++In Apache 2.4+, delete all previous records of this type when creating VirtualHost

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
AcmeAccountCheckAttempts+++ The number of unsuccessful checks for the Let's Encrypt account, after which the account will be recreated. Default value is 3.
ApacheWidePorts++Add Listen for all server's IP addresses for the specified list of ports
ApsExtRepository++The path to the xml-file of the external APS repository
AuthRealm++A text of the hint that will be shown in browser when accessing insecure part of the site
AwstatsEncoding++Encoding of html-pages of reports generated by AWStats
BackendBind++Back-end address
ForwardedSecret++Prevents fake IP addresses
LetsencryptProcessCount +++The number of Let's Encrypt certificates issued simultaneously
LetsencryptVerifyPeriod+++ The minimum period between retry attempts to issue a Let's Encrypt certificate
LogrotateInfiniteValue++The number of log files that will be kept
MaxExecutionTimeRatio+Sets the max_execution_time parameter in the Apache configuration file
NginxClientBodyMaxSize++Sets a default value for client_max_body_size in the Nginx configuration file
SSLSecureChiphers++Lists of keys in openssl format that are specified for a web-server with SSL protection enabled
SSLSecureProtocols++Protocols that are specified for the web-server with SSL protection enables
WebalizerEncoding++Encoding of report html-pages generated by Webalizer
WebDefaultAliases++Alias names that will be automatically generated for a newly created web-domain
WebDomainCollectPeriod++Domain statistics collection period
WebGroup++Group permissions used by the web-server
WebModules++A list of web-servers
WebRestartDelay++The minimum period of time between web-server restart
WebUser++User permissions used by the web-server

Paths/path  [Pathname] [Pathvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
analyzer.d++The path to the directory where scripts for log analysis will be kept
apache.conf++The path to the main Apache configuration file
apache-conf.d++The path to the directory with the Apache configuration file
apachectl++The path to the program/script for Apache restart
fpm-pool.d++The name of the directory where files with php-fpm configuration will be created
fpm-service++The name of the php-fpm service. It will restart the service after new users are added
fpm-sock.d++The path to the directory, where files for nginx and fpm (.sock) integration will be kept
logrotate.d++The path to the directory, where the logrotate settings will be kept
nginx++Checks that Nginx is up and running during panel start
nginx-conf++The path to the Nginx configuration file
nginx-conf.d++The path to the directory with Nginx distributed configuration files
nginx-configtest++Checks Nginx configuration files
nginxctl++Restarts Nginx after a new Web-domain is added
nginx-fallback++A redirect URL in case of errors
nginx-static++Defines the files that Nginx should pass
nginx-vhosts++The name of the directory where files with web-domains settings will be created
nginx-vhosts-includes++Paths to the files with additional settings that will be added into the server section for every web-domain
php-cgi++The path to the php-cgi executable file

Useful articles:

Database management module

Options/Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
DatabasePrefix+When a user creates a new database, his login will be added to its name
DatabaseUserPrefix+The control panel's username (the owner of the database) will be added to a newly created database user
DbAllowUpperCase++Disable lower-case letters during creation or modification of database name
MySQLGovernor++Enable MySQL Governor (CloudLinux)

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
DBCacheCheckInterval++Interval in minutes for checking database size update
DBCacheMaxDelay++The maximum delay in seconds before the next request for actual database size will be sent
DBHost+MySQL server where the database is located
DBName+A database name
DBPassword+A database user password
DBUser+A database user
DockerMaxAttempt +++The number of attempts to connect to the database to check its accessibility. 
LimitDbSizeCheckPeriod+A period for checking user's database size
MySQLDumpOptions++Additional parameters for mysqldump
PGDumpOptions++Additional parameters for pg_dump

Paths/path  [Pathname] [Pathvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
db_governor+The path to the MySQL Governor (CloudLinux) file
mysql++The path to the mysql executable file
mysql_restart+++The command for MySQL restart
phpmyadmin-redirect+phpMyAdmin URL template
phpmyadmin-servers++The path to the phpMyAdmin special configuration file

Useful articles:

Domain names management module

Options /Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
InsecureDomain++Check domain's owner with higher permissions
NoSPFRecord++Disable automatic creation of TXT-records "v=spf1" when creating a new domain name

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
DefaultARecords++The value in the "Subdomains" field, which is specified in the domain configuration form
DNS++A server type
DnsHostname++Describes the format of the SOA-record
DnsNsMasterIp++If external name servers are connceted, this parameter indicates the master server for zones created on external name servers
DomainContact++The value of the "Administrator email" field
MailServers++The value of the "Mail server" field
NameServers++The value of the "Name server" field
NsIps++Name server addresses space separated
RemoteDNSRequiredLevel++A user level in DNSmanager, which is connected as the DNS server
SOAExpireTime++Expire parameter for the SOA record
SOARefreshTime ++Refresh parameter for the SOA record. Used for the primary name server. In ISPmanager Business it is used on a node with a primary name server.
SPFRelayIP++A list of default IP-addresses that are automatically added to the TXT-record "v=spf1" when creating a domain name

Useful articles:

Mail domains management module

Options /Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
DisableCacheCheck++Disable cache check
LocalDelivery+++Allow only local redirects

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
afterlogic-alias++afterlogic alias
DkimCheck++The application for DKIM signature
DovecotPwScheme++The default encryption scheme
EmailAuth++An authentication method
EmailAVCheck++An anti-virus scanning application
EmailRecacheDelay++Time in minutes that will pass before mailbox passwords will be reset.
EmailSpamCheck++An anti-spam scanning application
ForwardEmailCount++The maximum number of mailboxes for sending a copy of a letter.
Greylisting++For Exim — postgrey
GreyListKeyword++greylisting (acl/racl) parameter,
MailFilter++A mail filter
ParallelEmailImportCount++The maximum number of queues for parallel email import
MTA++A mail server
POP3++A POP3-server
SievePipePlugin++A plug-in for the Sieve filter
WebMail++A type of WebMail

Paths/path  [Pathname] [Pathvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
afterlogic++The path to the afterlogic directory
clamav-srvc++The path to the clamav directory
clamav-whitelist++The path to the Clamav white list
db4++The path to db4
dovecot-doveadm++The path to doveadm
dovecot-passwd++The path to dovecot.passwd
exim-aliases++The path to /exim4/aliases
exim-blacklist++The path to exim4/blacklist
exim-config++The path to the Exim configuration file
exim-domainips++The path to exim4/domainips
exim-domains++The path to exim4/domains
exim-passwd++The path to exim4/passwd
exim-whitelist++The path to exim4/whitelist
greylist-conf++The path to the Greylisting configuration file
MailHomeDir++The default directory for emails
milter-greylist-restart++Greylisting restart command
mtaname-accessdb++The path to the access database
mtaname-aliases++The path to the aliases table
mtaname-localhostnames++The path to localhostnames
mtaname-virtusertable++The path to the virtual table of users
opendkim-genkey++The path to the OpenDKIM directory
opendkim-keyspath++The path to the OpenDKIM keys
opendkim-srvc++The path to OpenDKIM
postgrey-clients++The path to postgrey_whitelist_clients
postgrey-recipients++The path to postgrey_whitelist_recipients
postgrey-restart++Postgrey restart command
sasldb++The path to sasldb
saslpasswd++The path to saslpasswd2
sendmail-accessdb++The path to mail/access
sendmail-aliases++The path to mail/aliases
sendmail-localhostnames++The path to mail/local-host-names
sendmail-mc++The path to mail/
sendmail-newaliases++The path to newaliases
sendmail-restart++Sendmail restart command
sendmail-virtusertable++The path to mail/virtusertable
spamassassin-localcf++The path to
spamassassin-restart++Spamassassin restart command
webmail-redirect+Mail client URL template

Useful articles:

Users management module

Options/Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
DisableQuotasync++The control panel won't call the quotasync command before getting information on system quotas
DisableUserBackup+Forbid users to make backup copies. This option is used only for the old backup copy (based on tar)
DiskSpaceNotify+++Sets the disk space threshold. When user exceeds the threshold, he will get a corresponding notification
EnableQuota++Enable the system quotas management module
RelocationRsyncNoChecksum+Disable checking of file contents when moving user files
XfsQuota++Enable to manage disk quotas with XFS quotas management commands

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
InitialUid+User Uid will be allocated starting from that value

Paths/path  [Pathname] [Pathvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
DefaultHomeDir++User home directory
DefaultShell++The full path to the command interpreter

Useful articles:

FTP-users management module

Options/Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
FTPUserPrefix+The name of the FTP-user owner will be added to the username of a newly created FTP-user

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
FTP++Identifies that the FTP-server is installed
FtpDomainCollectPeriod+Statistics collection period

Paths /path  [Pathname] [Pathvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
ftp_log+The path to the log
proftpd.conf++The path to the ProFTPd configuration file
pure-ftpd-etc++The path to the Pure-FTPd configuration file
vsftpd.conf++The path to the vsFTPd configuration file

Useful articles:

Integration with CloudLinux

Options /Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
CloudLinuxDeploy++Identifies that CloudLinux is installed

Paths/path  [Pathname] [Pathvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
lvectl+++The path to the lvectl utility

Cluster nodes management module

Options/Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
DisableStat+Disable statistics collection
DisableSync+Disable synchronization

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription

PHP management module

Paths/path  [Pathname] [Pathvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
PhpReloadDelay +++ delay before PHP-FPM configuration reload
DisableFpmPerSite+disable the creation of individual PHP-FPM settings for the website. 

Other settings

Options/Option [Optionname]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription

Parameters/[Paramname] [Paramvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
DefaultTheme++Default interface theme
DiskSpaceCheckPeriod+++Period for collecting statistics on disk usage. Specified in minutes.
FsEncoding+++File system encoding for the file manager
IPmgrDomain+A domain name for reverse records
OneTimeExpire+++ Validity time in seconds of the temporary key for authorization. The default is 3600.
PWGenCharacters++Characters that are used for automatic password generation.
StatPeriod+Statistics module. Statistics collection period
SyncPeriod+Synchronization module. Synchronization period.
VirusdieLicIP+++ IP address for Virusdie license check

Paths/path  [Pathname] [Pathvalue]

NameLite, Pro, HostNodeBusinessDescription
MasterKey+The path to the ssh key
secure-private-key+The path to the encryption key