Checking and repairing the database
The control panel allows you to check and repair database tables. The current version supports check and repair of MyISAM tables. These operations are performed by means of the mysqlcheck utility.
Checking the database
To check the integrity of the database, enter Databases → select the database → mysqlcheck → Start mysql check → Ok.
The result of the check is displayed in the mysqlcheck check status column.

To view the detailed report, enter Databases → select the database → mysqlcheck → Report.
Repairing the database
To repair all corrupted tables, enter Databases → select the database → mysqlcheck → Start mysql repair → Ok.
To repair an individual table, enter Databases → select the database → mysqlcheck → Report → select the table → Start mysql repair → Ok.
Repair of an individual table may fail. In this case, it is recommended to run the repair for all tables of the database.