Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation

Install a database management system


A database management system (DBMS) is designed to maintain databases and ensure the security and integrity of stored data. This system allows you to add, delete, and modify databases and retrieve information from them. 

Ispmanager works with the following database management systems:

  • MySQL — a relational database management system (RDBMS). The phpMyAdmin web interface is used to manage the DBMS. It is installed with ispmanager by default. It is possible to configure remote access to work with the DBMS in ispmanager.
  • MariaDB — a relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a modified version of MySQL. The phpMyAdmin web interface is used to manage the DBMS. It is installed with ispmanager by default. It is possible to configure remote access to work with the DBMS in ispmanager.
  • PostgreSQL — is an object-relational DBMS. The web interface phpPgAdmin is used to manage the DBMS. It can work with a large number of tables and perform more complex queries. There is no remote access configuration for working with the DBMS in ispmanager.

How to Install the Database Server Using the Web Interface

  1. Go to Settings → Software configuration. Select DBMS Server and click Install.


  2. To set MySQL DBMS server type, select MySQL Server and click Edit.

    Select the DBMS type and click Save.

  3. Select the corresponding web management interface and click Install:
  • MySQL management interface (phpMyAdmin) ;
  • PostgreSQL management interface (phpPgAdmin).

MySQL server installation

Make sure the installed DBMS matches the operating system.

Actual OS

Ubuntu 20MariaDB 10.3MySQL 8.0MySQL 8.0
Ubuntu 22MariaDB 10.6MySQL 8.0MySQL 8.0
Ubuntu 24MariaDB 10.11MySQL 8.0MySQL 8.0
Debian 11MariaDB 10.5N/AMariaDB 10.5
Debian 12MariaDB 10.11N/AMariaDB 10.11
AlmaLinux 8MariaDB 10.3MySQL 8.0MySQL 8.0
AlmaLinux 9MariaDB 10.5MySQL 8.0MySQL 8.0

Outdated OS

Ubuntu 18MariaDB 10.1MySQL 5.7MySQL 5.7
Debian 10MariaDB 10.3N/AMariaDB 10.3
CentOS 7MariaDB 5.5N/AMariaDB 5.5

When installing from the command line, you can use the appropriate commands to select the database type.


sh ./ --mysql-server mariadb


sh ./ --mysql-server mysql

There are two types of installation available.

Installation with the recommended software:

  • When using the recommended software set, the MariaDB or MySQL database server is automatically installed. The choice between them is determined by the value specified in the Default field of the Operating System Compliance table.
  • It is not possible to replace MySQL with MariaDB and MariaDB with MySQL.

Minimal installation via the installer:

  • You can select the DBMS type in the Software configuration menu item of the control panel;
  • Packages are installed according to the table for your database type and OS.