Configuration files and logs
This article contains the list of configuration files and logs of the control panel and third-party services. The control panel works with third-party services under the user accounts of the operating system.
Control panel
Configuration files
The control panel configuration files are located in the directory /usr/local/mgr5/etc/:
- core.conf — COREmanager configuration file;
- debug.conf — the setting of logging level;
- ihttpd.conf — configuration file of the built-in ihttpd web server;
- ispmgr.conf — the main configuration file of ISPmanager;
- isptar.conf — configuration file of the backup module;
- mgrlist.conf — the list of control panels installed on the server.
/usr/local/mgr5/etc/ispmgr.conf.d/ — the directory with configuration files of service management.
/usr/local/mgr5/etc/xml/ — the directory with xml-files describing the interface of the control panel.
Log files
The control panel log files are located in the directory /usr/local/mgr5/var/:
- ispmgr.log — the main log of ISPmanager;
- core.log — COREmanager log;
- pkg.log — the log of installation, uninstallation and update of control panel packages;
- ihttpd.log — the log of built-in ihttpd web server;
- backup2*.log — backup module logs;
- usermove.log —user import log.
Web servers
/etc/httpd/conf/vhosts/<username>/<site>.conf — configuration files of user site;
/etc/httpd-isp@php<XY>/conf/vhosts/<username>/<site>.conf - configuration files of user sites when is used alternative PHP in the mode Apache;
/etc/httpd/conf/webdav-users/ — configuration files of the web disk;
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ — configuration files of additional software. E.g., Roundcube, phpMyAdmin.
Debian, Ubuntu:
/etc/apache2/conf/vhosts/<username>/<site>.conf— configuration files of user sites;
/etc/apache2-isp@php<XY>/conf/vhosts/<username>/<site>.conf - configuration files of user sites when is used alternative PHP in the mode Apache;
/etc/apache2/conf/webdav-users/ — configuration files of the web disk;
/etc/apache2/conf.d/ — configuration files of additional software.
/etc/nginx/vhosts/<username>/<site>.conf — configuration files of user domains.
/etc/nginx/vhosts-includes/ — configuration files of additional software.
/var/www/httpd-logs/ — WWW domains log files.
/usr/local/lsws/conf/<username>/<site>.conf— configuration files of user sites.
/usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts-includes/ — configuration files of additional software.
/var/www/httpd-logs/ — log files of WWW domains.
/usr/local/lsws/conf/vhosts-php/ — PHP settings for the website.
/usr/local/lsws/conf/users-php/ — PHP settings for the user.
Native version
/etc/php.ini — the main configuration file.
/etc/php.d/*.ini — configuration files of php extensions.
/var/www/<username>/data/php-bin/php.ini — user configuration files.
Alternative versions
/opt/php<XY>/etc/php.ini — the main configuration file.
/opt/php<XY>/etc/php.d/*.ini — configuration files of php extensions.
/var/www/<username>/data/php-bin-isp-php<XY>/php.ini— user configuration files.
/opt/alt/php<XY>/etc/php.ini — the main configuration file.
/opt/alt/php<XY>/etc/php.d/*.ini — configuration files of php extensions.
Native version
OS RedHat-base:
/etc/php-fpm.conf — the main configuration file.
/etc/php-fpm.d/user.d/ — user configuration files.
/etc/php-fpm.d/site.d/ — configuration files for websites.
OS Debian. Ubuntu:
/etc/php/<X.Y>/fpm/php-fpm.conf— the main configuration file.
/etc/php/<X.Y>/fpm/pool.d/user.d/ — user configuration files.
/etc/php/<X.Y>/fpm/pool.d/site.d/ — configuration files for websites.
/etc/php/<X.Y>/fpm/pool.d/pool.d/ — configuration files for pools.
Alternative versions
/opt/php<XY>/etc/php-fpm.conf — the main configuration file.
/opt/php<XY>/etc/php-fpm.d/user.d/ — user configuration files.
/opt/php<XY>/etc/php-fpm.d/site.d/ — configuration files for websites.
/opt/php<XY>/etc/php-fpm.d/pool.d/ - configuration files for pools.
Messages and logs of the auto-responder are stored in the directory /var/www/<username>/data/email/<emaildomain>/<emailbox>/::
- .responder.msg — responder messages.
- .responder.db — responder logs.
/etc/exim/exim.conf — the main configuration file.
/etc/exim/domains — mail domain settings.
/etc/exim/domainips — correlation of mail domains and IP addresses used to send mail.
/etc/exim/passwd — mailbox list.
/etc/exim/aliases — mailbox aliases.
Debian, Ubuntu:
/etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template — the main configuration file.
/etc/exim4/domains — mail domain settings.
/etc/exim4/domainips — correlation of mail domains and IP addresses used to send mail.
/etc/exim4/passwd — mailbox list.
/etc/exim4/aliases — mailbox aliases.
/etc/dovecot/conf.d/ — the directory with configuration files.
/etc/dovecot/dovecot.passwd — mailbox details.
/var/www/<username>/data/email/<emaildomain>/<emailbox/ .dovecot.sieve — mail sorting rules for the mailbox.
/etc/mail/spamassassin/ — spam filter rules.
/etc/pdns/pdns.conf — the main configuration file.
/var/log/messages — the log file.
Debian, Ubuntu:
/etc/powerdns/pdns.conf — the main configuration file.
/var/log/syslog — the log file.
/etc/named/named.conf — the main configuration file.
/var/log/messages — the log file.
Debian, Ubuntu:
/etc/bind/named.conf — the main configuration file.
/var/log/syslog — the log file.
Native version
Configuration files:
- /etc/my.cnf;
- /etc/my.cnf.d/.
Debian, Ubuntu:
- /etc/mysql/my.cnf;
- /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d.
Alternative versions
Alternative versions of MySQL are launched in docker containers, the files are mounted into the container from the directory /var/lib/<mysqversion>/. E.g., /var/lib/mysql-5.7/.
Configuration files: /etc/ispmysql/<mysqversion>/custom.cnf.
/etc/proftpd.conf — the main ProFTPd configuration file.
/etc/proftpd.passwd — the list of FTP users.
/var/log/proftpd/ — the directory with ProFTPd log files.
/etc/pure-ftpd/conf/ — the directory with PureFTPd configuration files.
/var/log/pureftpd.log — PureFTPd log file.
/etc/sysconfig/iptables — iptables network firewall rules.
Debian, Ubuntu:
/etc/ispiptable.conf, /etc/ispip6table.conf — iptables network firewall rules.
Integration modules
Let's Encrypt
The module records information in the log files:
- /usr/local/mgr5/var/letsencrypt.log;
- /usr/local/mgr5/var/ispmgr.log.
/etc/nginx/vhosts-includes/softaculous.conf — the module configuration file.
/var/softaculous/error_log.log — the module log file.
/usr/local/mgr5/var/raisp_data/log/ — the directory with module log files.