Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation

Migration from cPanel via rsync

Migration details

Migrating data from cPanel via rsync allows importing one or more users without the need for backup copies. This method saves disk space as it requires exactly as much memory as the imported user and their data.

Migration includes several steps:

  1. Authentication on the remote server.
  2. Creating a copy of the user entities on the source server.
  3. Converting a copy of user entities on the destination server.
  4. Transferring database dumps.
  5. Transferring user files.
List of entities

cPanel preparation

Before starting the migration, make sure that the source server with cPanel meets the requirements below:

  1. The FTP account and database limits for the imported user are greater than 0. This value does not affect the import; however, if the limits are set to 0, the user will not be able to create new FTP accounts and databases in ispmanager.
  2. If CloudLinux is used, the CageFS mechanism must be disabled for the user. Additional changes to the settings may be required. We recommend that you explore other features of CloudLinux.

ispmanager preparation

Before starting the migration, make sure that the destination server with ispmanager meets the requirements below:

  1. The software matches or is compatible with the software in cPanel. To check, navigate to the panel section Settings Software Configuration:
  2. The DBMS configuration file has the following parameter:
  3. The password strength check in the System Settings section is disabled.

Step 1: Source data

Log in to ispmanager under an account with administrator priviliges or above. Navigate to the User Import section. Fill in the fields:

  • Source type — from cPanel (via rsync).
  • Control panel URL — specify the cPanel address (WHM), typically in the following format: https://domain_or_IP_address:2087.
  • SSH port — specify the SSH connection port to the server from cPanel, port 22 is used by default.
  • Login — specify the root user of cPanel (WHM), usually root.
  • Authorization on server — select the authentication method:
    • By password — the root user password will be used;
    • By SSH key — public key specified on the source server will be used.

Click Import. You will be authorized in cPanel and a list of users for import will be generated.

Step 2: Import parameters

  • Owner — specify the ispmanager reseller the imported user will be added to (available for ispmanager host).
  • Assign IP addresses — assign the specified IP addresses to the migrated sites, domains and mail domains (available for ispmanager lite and pro).
  • User import — specify the list of users to be imported.
    After importing a reseller, their access level will change from "Reseller" to "User".
  • Activate shell access automatically — if the user's shell access in cPanel is switched off, it will be enabled for the duration of the import. Otherwise, the user will not be imported.
  • Existing user data — select how the user will be handled if a user with the same name already exists in ispmanager. The following options are available:
    • do not import;
    • add — imported data will be added to the existing data;
    • replace existing — all user settings and files will be replaced with imported ones.
  • Files import — check this box if you want to import files from the user's directory.
    User files include all files that are located in the /home/username directory, which are site files and mail.
  • Database import — check this box if you want to import the contents of databases. If the checkbox is not selected, the database entity will be imported, but with no content.

Click Next. This will start the process of backing up, converting and restoring the entities of selected users.

Step 3: Report

After the import is finished, an import status report will be generated. It contains a table with the number of created and skipped entities as well as the entities that were imported with errors and the list of errors itself.

After the report is generated, the import of files and database dumps will start in the background mode. If errors occur, notifications will appear under the bell icon   in the upper right corner of the panel.

Information about user import is added to the following logs:

  • /usr/local/mgr5/var/backup2_cpanel_conv.log — user entities conversion log;
  • /usr/local/mgr5/var/usermove.log — databases and file import log.

After the data migration is complete, the imported users will be able to log in to ispmanager using their login and password from cPanel.

Key differences from cPanel

User home directory


Mailbox directory


Main site directory


Additional site directories


Path to SSL sertificates


Mail client path​
