Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation

Connecting a domain to Cloudflare


Perform the following steps to connect a domain to Cloudflare:

  1. Check that the Cloudflare module is installed. For more information, please refer to the article Install and configure the Cloudflare module.
  2. Log in to ispmanager as the User. 
  3. Navigate to Sites→…→Cloudflare.
  4. At the first login register a new Cloudflare account or enter the existing token (см. Install and configure the Cloudflare module).
  5. Go to Sites → …→Cloudflare → select the domain you want to connect → Add.
    You can connect only second-level domains to Cloudflare.
  6. Select the Connection type:
    • Full connection — the domain zone is fully connected to Cloudflare;
    • Partial connection — subdomains are selectively connected to Cloudflare. Enter the CNAME record for Cloudflare. It is needed to redirect requests to one of the IP addresses of the connected domain zone. Enter all Aliases of the WWW-domain name, separated by a space. By default, it includes all the aliases created in ISPmanager. 
  7. Click Ok.
  8. The status of the connection in Sites →…→ Cloudflare → the column Status will change to "Connection to Cloudflare is in progress". This process may take several minutes. The information about domain statuses is updated automatically once in half-an-hour. Click the Update button to update it manually. Status change history is saved in the Event Log. At the last stage of the connection, an entry will appear in the log "To complete integration with Cloudflare, change the NS records of the domain zone", in which there will be Cloudflare NS servers. Specify them in the NS-records of the domain zone registrar.
  9. When the registrar's information is updated, the connection status will change to "The domain is connected to Cloudflare". The Cloudflare functions will become available for the domain. The initial settings are sent to Cloudflare depending on domain and server configuration:
    • Automatic HTTPS rewrites;
    • IPv6 support;
    • HSTS;
    • SSL;
    • TLS 1.3.
    Read more in Configure domain optimization and protection through Cloudflare.
Connections for the domains added through the Cloudflare client area won't be displayed in ispmanager.