Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation

Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation

Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation


Ispmanager lite (pro, host) is a control panel for web-server management.

Main features

With ispmanager you can perform the following operations:

  • Create and manage users/user templates. Set limits for users/user templates.
  • Create and manage web-domains. Set PHP modes, install SSL certificates, quickly install popular CMS on your domain, set up SSL redirects.
  • Manage DNS. Create domain zones and edit domain records.
  • Manage mail: create mail domains and mailboxes. Configure redirects and aliases. Set up mail filters. Use DKIM and anti-spam tools.
  • Manage databases. Create databases and database users. Set permissions for database users.
  • Manage FTP users. Create, activate, suspend FTP users. Specify a user home directory.
  • Edit files through the control panel. Set permissions on files and directories.
  • Set up Firewall.
  • Backup data
  • Monitor resource usage statistics.
  • Set up user permissions.

Differences between ispmanager lite, pro, host and business

Ispmanager lite, pro, host versions differ in the maximum number of added sites.

Version Maximum number of  sites
Ispmanager lite10
Ispmanager pro50
Ispmanager hostunlimited
If subdomains are listed in ispmanager as separate sites, they will be taken into account by the license. If subdomains are created using the "Autosubdomains" feature, they are not included in the number of sites provided by the license.

Ispmanager business allows providing shared hosting services. It ensures uninterrupted operation of your system and allows for flexible configuration of user permissions.

The following functions are available only in ispmanager business:

  • Manage multiple servers (nodes) from a single web-interface.
  • Allocate users between cluster nodes.
  • Assign different roles to different nodes (servers) — web-server role, database server, mail server, primary and secondary name servers.
  • Advanced limits for users/user templates.
  • Reselling.


Ispmanager can be installed on popular Unix-based systems. For more information about installation and supported operating systems, please refer to the article ispmanager installation guide.

Ispmanager is installed into the /usr/local/mgr5 directory.


Ispmanager lite (pro, host) keeps all the information in the sqlite database located in /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ispmgr.db.

Ispmanager business keeps the data in several databases:

  • The mysql database — ispmgr. The database contains information about the whole cluster. The base is located on the server where ispmanager business is installed (i.e. on the master server, rather than on a cluster node).
  • The sqlite database — ispmgrnode.db. Each cluster node has its own ispmgrnode.db database that keeps data related to its cluster node only.


The main configuration files are located in the /usr/local/mgr5/etc directory:

  • ispmgr.conf — the main configuration file of the control panel. For ispmanager business there is an ispmgrnode.conf additional file, located on each cluster node.

Additional configuration files are located in the /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ispmgr.conf.d/: directory

  • nginx.conf — path to Nginx
  • phpfpm.conf — path to php-fpm
  • dns.conf — DNS configuration

For more information please refer to the article Configuration file


Control panel logs are located in the /usr/local/mgr5/var directory.

Different modules of the control panel use different logs. The main logs are as follows:

  • ispmgr.log — main log.
  • backup2.log — backup log.
  • longtask.log — long tasks log.
  • pkg.log — setup log.
  • usermove.log — user import log.

When reaching 100 Mb, logs are rotated and archived into the /usr/local/mgr5/var/logs/ directory.

You can add debug for any module of the control panel via the interface – the "Error log" module -> Settings.

Supported software

All software applications are installed from repositories, thus you will get the version available in OS repository.

Repositories are connected during installation of ispmanager. We strongly recommend that you do not connect any third-party repositories as this may lead to incorrect installation of the software product.

Ispmanager lite (pro, host) includes the Software configuration module where you can choose a software product to be installed. In the table below you can see a list of features and corresponding applications:

Web-server (WWW)This feature defines the operation mode of the web-server. You can choose the following variants: only Apache, Nginx + Apache, Nginx + PHP-FPMApache ITK/Prefork. Nginx, PHP-FPM, PHP as Apache, Awstats, Webalizer, Logrotate
Mail serverDefines operations of the mail systemExim, Dovecot, Greylisting, OpenDKIM, SpamAssassin, ClamAv, Sieve, AfterLogic, RoundCube
Name server (DNS)Installs a selected name serverBind/PowerDNS
FTP serverInstalls a selected FTP serverProFTP/PureFTP
MySQL serverEnables/disables a MySQL serverMySQL database management system
PostgreSQL serverEnables/disables a PostgreSQL serverPostgreSQL database management system
Disk quotasEnables/disables disk quotasQuota
ArchiversInstalls a selected archiverZip, Unzip

Trial version 

You can try ispmanager for free with a 14-day trial.

Knowledge base

FAQ — frequently asked questions about ispmanager