Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation

Installation guide


Before starting the installation, make sure that:

  • your server meets the system requirements;
  • the wget download utility is installed on the server.
When installing ispmanager, the SELinux service is disabled on the server, as it prevents the control panel from working correctly.


1. Connect to the server via SSH with the superuser permissions.

2. Download the installation script:

wget -O

3. Run the script:

For automatic installation without step-by-step software selection, use the installation script parameters.

4. Select an update branch by specifying the letter:

b) beta version — a branch with the latest updates, however still in the beta-testing phase;

s) stable version — a branch that used to be in the beta-testing phase and now is successfully released.

Read more about update branches in a separate article.

5. Select ispmanager edition by entering the number:

1) Ispmanager lite, pro, host with recommended software.

2) Ispmanager lite, pro, host with minimal set of software.

The list of recommended software depends on the amount of RAM on the server.

6. For ispmanager lite, pro, host with the recommended software, select the web server by entering the number:

1) Nginx + Apache (MPM-ITK).

2) OpenLiteSpeed.

7. For ispmanager lite, pro, host with the recommended software, select the database type for the panel by entering the number:

1) SQLite — for 5–10 sites and 5–10 users.

2) MySQL — recommended choice for projects with numerous sites and users.

8. Once the installation is complete, the control panel can be accessed at:

URL: https://IP-address:1500/ispmgr
Login: root
Password: root password

Installation script parameters

Parameters are used for quick installation without any extra actions. List the parameters separated with a space:

sh parameter parameter parameter parameter 
Parameter valueInterpretation
ispmanager-liteInstall the panel with the recommended software
ispmanager-lite-commonInstall the panel with the minimal set of software
--helpOutput of the menu with options
--osfamily <FAMILY>Specify the OS if it cannot be identified:
--osfamily REDHAT— for the RedHat family of OS
--osfamily DEBIAN— for the Debian family of OS
--osversion <VERSION>Specify the OS version if it cannot be identified. For example:
--osversion bullseye— for Debian
--osversion 9— for CentOS
--release <type> Install a specific version of the panel. For example:
--release beta— latest beta update branch
--release stable— latest stable update branch
--release 5.404— a specific version of the panel. The numbers after the dot are calculated using the formula: 305 + X, where X is the ispmanager version stated in the changelog number between points.
--noinstallAdd repositories and not to install packages
--ignore-hostnameIgnore the wrong domain name of the server
--silentNot to ask for the server name and activation key
--no-letsencryptDo not release Let's Encrypt for the domain provided by the panel
--le-domainThe domain for the Let's Encrypt certificate. Specify the domain that is already directed to your server. The panel after installation will be accessible via it with a protected valid certificate.
--disable-fail2banNot to install fail2ban

Install the previous generation of the panel — ispmanager 5.

Unavailable for installation on servers with 1 GB RAM.


Install ispmanager 6 lite with OpenLiteSpeed web server. Supported starting from 6.52.

Not compatible with business or earlier release versions of the panel.

Unavailable for installation on servers with 1 GB RAM.

--dbtype <type>Specify the type of database to be used by the panel. The default is SQLite. For example:
--dbtype mysql— MySQL
--dbtype sqlite— SQLite

Unavailable for installation on servers with 1 GB RAM.

--allow-eol-osInstalling the panel on a server with an outdated and unsupported OS (at the EOL stage already)
--mysql-serverSpecifying the native DBMS on the server. The options may depend on the OS. For example:
--mysql-server mysql— MySQL DBMS
--mysql-server mariadb— MariaDB DBMS

Parameter use examples

  • The command to install the stable update branch of the ispmanager 6 lite panels with the recommended packages, ignoring the incorrect server name and not issuing a Let's Encrypt certificate for the panel domain name, will be the following:
    sh --ignore-hostname --no-letsencrypt --release stable ispmanager-lite
  • The command to install the latest stable ispmanager 6 lite (pro, host) branch with minimal software:
    sh --release stable ispmanager-lite-common
  • The command to install a specific version of ispmanager 6 lite (pro, host), for example a 6.40 version:
    sh --release 5.345 ispmanager-lite
    A list of all ispmanager versions is available in the changelog on the website.
  • The command to install the latest stable branch of ispmanager 6 lite (pro, host) with OpenLiteSpeed web server:
    sh --openlitespeed --release stable ispmanager-lite
  • The command to install the latest beta branch of ispmanager 6 lite (pro, host) with MySQL DBMS:
    sh --mysql-server mysql --release beta ispmanager-lite

The installer automatically checks the server's RAM capacity and adjusts the list of recommended software if necessary.

Servers with 512 to 1024 MB of RAM

Installation with these parameters is not available for AlmaLinux 8, 9 and Rocky Linux 8.
SoftwarePackage name
BIND DNS server
DDoS protection
log ratationispmanager-pkg-logrotate
main panel packageispmanager-lite-common
MySQL DBMS server
Nginx web serverispmanager-pkg-nginx
notification centerispmanager-notify
panel pluginsispmanager-plugins
php 7.4, 8.1ispmanager-pkg-phpfpm
ProFTP FTP serverispmanager-pkg-proftpd

Servers with 1024 MB of RAM or more

AlmaLinux 8, 9 and Rocky Linux 8 require at least 1.5 GB of RAM.
SoftwarePackage name
Apache web server (MPM-ITK)ispmanager-pkg-httpd-itk
BIND DNS server
DDoS protection
disk quotasispmanager-pkg-quota
Dovecot mail serverispmanager-pkg-dovecot
Exim mail serverispmanager-pkg-exim
log rotationispmanager-pkg-logrotate
main panel packageispmanager-lite-common
MySQL DBMS server
Nginx web serverispmanager-pkg-nginx
notification centerispmanager-notify
OpenLiteSpeed web serverispmanager-pkg-openlitespeed
panel pluginsispmanager-plugins
php 5.6, 7.4, 8.1
ispmanager-pkg-php— for Apache
ispmanager-pkg-phpfpm— for Nginx
ispmanager-pkg-openlitespeed-php— for OpenLiteSpeed
ProFTP FTP serverispmanager-pkg-proftpd

Minimal software

SoftwarePackage name
main panel packageispmanager-lite-common
MySQL DBMS servercoremanager-pkg-mysql
notification centerispmanager-notify
panel pluginsispmanager-plugins