Ispmanager 6 lite, pro, host documentation

Installation guide

You can install ispmanager on a dedicated server or virtual machine created on hypervisor-based virtualization or OVZ container virtualization. Your server must meet the requirements described in the article Server requirements

This article walks you through the steps you need to perform to install ispmanager.

License activation 

License types are described in this article.

A trial license is activated automatically after you have installed ispmanager on the servers. You don't need to order a license. 

If you want to use a commercial version you first need to purchase the license. Specify the public IP address of the server where the control panel will be installed.

If the server runs not behind the NAT and IP address is assigned to its network interface, the ispmanager license will be activated during the installation. For more information please refer to the article License IP address.

If the server runs behind the NAT, and the IP address is not specified for the license or the license IP address is not assigned to its network interface, you need to activate your license with a key. Learn more in this article.


Before you start, check that the wget utility is installed on the server. Also make sure SELinux is disabled, as it may disturb the correct operation of the control panel.

Installation steps: 

  1. Connect to the server via SSH with the superuser permissions (root). 
  2. Download the installation script:
    wget -O
  3. Run the script:
    • Execute the following command to install the latest version of the control panel:
    • To install ispmanager with a trial license or a license with key activation:
      sh --ispmgr6
    • To install a specific version, execute with the parameter --release, e.g.:
      sh --release 6.40.1 ISPmanager --ispmgr6
    • To install ispmanager with the OpenLiteSpeed web server:
      sh --openlitespeed ispmanager-lite
  4. Select a version:
    • stable — a stable version which used to be in the beta-testing phase and now is successfully released;
    • beta — a version with the latest updates, however still in the beta-testing phase.


      The installation script will connect two ispmanager repositories: ispsystem-base.repo is used for installing additional software, ispsystem.repo is used for installing ispmanager control panels.
  5. Select ispmanager version:
    • 1—ispmanager lite (pro, host) with the recommended software;
    • 2— ispmanager lite (pro, host) with the minimal set of software.


  6. For ispmanager lite (pro, host) with the recommended software, select the web server:
    • 1 — Nginx и Apache MPM-ITK;
    • 2 — OpenLiteSpeed.

  7. Select the database server for the panel database:

  8. To install ispmanager with MySQL engine DBMS version selection, use the command below. For more info please refer to the following article.

    sh ./ --mysql-server <type>

Once the installation is complete, the control panel can be accessed at:

URL: https://<server ip address>:1500/ispmgr
Login: root
Password: <root password>

Installation script parameters

--helpOutput of the menu with options
--release Installing a specific version of the panel
--noinstallAdd repositories and not to install packages
--ignore-hostnameIgnore the wrong domain name of the server
--silentNot to ask for the server name and activation key
--no-letsencryptDo not release Let's Encrypt for the domain provided by the panel
--le-domainThe domain for the Let's Encrypt certificate. Specify the domain that is already directed to your server. The panel after installation will be accessible via it with a protected valid certificate.
--disable-fail2banNot to install fail2ban
--ispmgr5Install ispmanager 5
--openlitespeedInstall ispmanager 6 lite with openlitespeed web server. Supported starting from 6.52. Not compatible with business or earlier release versions of the panel.
--allow-eol-osInstalling the panel on a server with an outdated and unsupported OS (at the EOL stage already))
--mysql-serverChoosing the type of DBMS using MySQL engine
Installing the control panel on a server with an outdated OS version is possible within 6 months after the EOL date (use the --allow-eol-os key during installation), after that you must use a special installer (contact technical support).

For example, the command to install the stable version of the ispmanager 6-lite panel with the recommended packages, ignoring the incorrect server name and not issuing a Let'sEncrypt certificate for the panel domain name will be the following:

sh --ignore-hostname --no-letsencrypt --release stable ispmanager-lite

Minimal software

To run ispmanager lite, pro, host, a MySQL or MariaDB database server is installed.

The following recommended software applications will be installed with ispmanager lite (pro, host):

  • web servers  — OpenLiteSpeed or Apache MPM-ITK + Nginx and additional programs (PHP module, awstats, logrotate, PHP-FPM);
  • mail servers  — Dovecot, Exim and additional programs (RoundCube, sieve);
  • DNS-server — BIND ;
  • FTP-server — ProFTP;
  • MySQL administration web interface — phpMyAdmin;
  • PHP 5.6, 7.4, 8.0 Apache module, CGI, PHP-FPM;
  • fail2ban service