ispmanager 6

Replacing banner ads on the ispmanager 6 dashboard

Replacing banner ads on the ispmanager 6 dashboard


  • To set a custom banner
  • To disable a banner


A banner link can be disabled or modified by changing or adding the DashboardBannerUrl parameter in the configuration file /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ispmgr.conf:

  • If the parameter value is left empty, the banner will be disabled;
  • When a direct link to a banner is specified, the standard ispmanager banner will be replaced with a custom one.

For example:


A file with banner content can be in any format supported by the HTML markup language, such as html, jpg, gif, svg, etc.


If different language locales require use of different banners, the __lang__ placeholder can be used to create variants. For example:


In this case, it is necessary to submit multiple versions of the banner with names corresponding to languages. 

For example:

  • DashboardBannerUrl - for a banner in English;
  • DashboardBannerUrl - for a banner in French;
  • DashboardBannerUrl - for a banner in Russian.

The banner will be updated after refreshing the page.

You can also add the following parameters to the URL of the banner to modify it:

  • lictype - license type:
    • user - purchased directly from ispmanager;
    • partner - purchased through reselling.
  • price - tariff name:
    • trial;
    • lite;
    • pro;
    • host;
    • business;
  • userlang - user language for notifications:
    • ru;
    • en;
    • etc.
  • os - OS name, for example, Ubuntu 22.04.2;
  • ispmgrversion - ispmanager version, for example, 6.104.0;
  • licstatus - license status:
    • nolicense - no license;
    • trial - trial license;
    • trialexpired - trial license expired;
    • commercial - commercial license;
    • reloadexpired - license data hasn't been updated in a long time;
    • expired - license expired.


For example, for a particular banner to be displayed only on a server running CentOS 7.9 in a 6.99.0 version panel that is currently on a trial license, the URL should look like this:<panel-ip-address>:1500/ispmgr&price=trial&os=CentOS%207%2E9&ispmgrversion=6%2E99%2E0&licstatus=trial 

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