ispmanager 6

Error when enabling a CRON scheduler or setting a panel user job

Error when enabling a CRON scheduler or setting a panel user job


When attempting to enable a panel user or their CRON scheduler job, the following error message appears:

An error occurred when working with the job scheduler.
An error occurred when adding a new CRON job for the '<username>' user.

At the same time an error is registered in the panel log at the /usr/local/mgr5/var/ispmgr.log: “error on setting new crontab for ‘<username>’”.


The CRON scheduler file for this user is corrupted or contains incorrect data.


Error when enabling a scheduler job

If an error occurs when enabling a user task, it is advisable to verify the accuracy of the data in the  /var/spool/cron/crontabs/<username> file. Incorrect data can be removed from the document by adding  // characters to the beginning of the line or by deleting the line completely.

If there are no important tasks in this user file, the file can be removed.

Error when enabling a user

If an error occurs when enabling a user, it is advisable to verify the accuracy of the data in the /usr/local/mgr5/var/disabledcron/<username> file. Similarly, incorrect data can be removed from the document by adding  // characters to the beginning of the line or by deleting the line completely.

If there are no important tasks in this user file, the file can also be removed.