ispmanager 6

The Error "with value 'native' missing" appears when creating or editing a site

The Error "with value 'native' missing" appears when creating or editing a site


When creating or editing a site, the message "Error: with value 'native' is missing". appears

The panel log "/usr/local/mgr5/var/ispmgr.log" also contains an error:

libmgr ERROR Error: Type: 'missed' Object: 'phpmodule' Value: 'native'


  • The native PHP version on the server was manually changed, which is not supported by the ispmanager panel.
  • A site or sites was/were imported from another panel, but the PHP module is not installed on the destination server.


If the native PHP version has been changed, the previous version must be restored.

If the error appeared after importing from another panel, install "PHP Module" in "Settings" -> "Software Configuration" -> "Web Server (WWW)" section.



Then, install the alternate version of PHP that is used on the site in "Settings" -> "Software Configuration".


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