ispmanager 6

Error when executing the “sbin/” or “sbin/” command

Error when executing the “sbin/” or “sbin/” command


Impossible to update the ispmanager 6 panel to the current version. One of the following notifications is displayed:

  • “Error executing command ‘sbin/’ via CRON”;
  • “Error executing command ‘sbin/’ via CRON”.


  • Automatic product updates are disabled;
  • The panel is running on a server with an unsupported OS;
  • Instead of an update branch a certain version is specified;
  • Third-party repositories are connected;
  • Incorrect parameters of ispmanager repository files;
  • No access to repositories.


Automatic product updates are disabled

In the "System Settings" section, go to the “Update software automatically” field, select the “update ispmanager products” value.

The panel is running on a server with an unsupported OS

Check the operating system used on the server against the list of supported operating systems in the system requirements.

You can find out the OS version in the “Help” - “Read about the software product” section.

If your panel is running on an unsupported OS, we recommend migrating to a new server. It is also possible to migrate data using backup copies on external storage.

If you use CentOS 7 or CentOS 8, it is possible to convert the OS to supported AlmaLinux 8 within one server:

A certain version is specified instead of an update branch

The value specified in the file at /usr/local/mgr5/etc/repo.version indicates whether the panel is on the stable or beta branch.

In rare cases, a certain version may be specified instead of a branch, which can cause update errors if an incorrect version is specified.

Edit the value in the file to either stable or beta, depending on your requirements.

After introducing the changes, you will need to update the data in the repository files by updating the license data in the “License Management” section.

If the server is behind NAT, re-activate it with the license key.

Third-party repositories are connected

To ensure correct operation of the panel, only system repositories and panel repositories must be connected on the server:

  • ispsystem.repo;
  • ispsystem-base.repo;
  • exosoft.repo.

You can check the list of repository files using the following commands:

  • ls -l /etc/yum.repos.d/*.repo - for RHEL-based systems;
  • ls -l /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list - for Debian-based systems.

If there are other repositories in the list, disable them and update the panel.

If you are using the panel on your hosting provider's server, third-party repositories may be connected. Please contact your hosting provider's support for assistance.

Incorrect parameters of ispmanager repository files

If no errors occur when trying to update the panel using the “Update Product” button in the “Help” - “Read about the software product” section, but the update still fails, it may indicate there is an error in the ispmanager repository files.

To update the files, run the panel installation script with the following parameters:

sh --noinstall --release stable

Use the beta value for the --release parameter if you are using a beta version of the panel.

No access to repositories

The installation log at the /usr/local/mgr5/var/pkg.log contains a “Failed to fetch” error for one or more repositories, for example:

E: Failed to fetch Temporary failure resolving ''

In this case, the reason why the repository is unavailable at the address specified in the error text must be determined and eliminated.