ispmanager 6

Deny access to ispmanager 6 by IP address

Deny access to ispmanager 6 by IP address


This configuration may be required when you want to restrict access to the panel interface by IP address and default port, and allow access only by domain name.



Be sure to make a backup of the server data or a snapshot of the server before implementiong this configuration!

Please ensure that you perform the configuration strictly in the order described below; otherwise, you may lose access to the panel during the configuration process.

  1. Purchase a domain name from any registrar or use an existing one and point it to the IP address of the server with the panel;
  2.  In the panel, create a website with the respective name;
  3. Purchase and add an SSL certificate for this domain or generate a free one from Let's Encrypt directly in the panel;
  4. In the site settings, enable the “Access to ispmanager by site name” option if you use the Nginx web server. If you use only Apache or OpenLiteSpeed, make changes to the site configuration file;
  5. Add the redirect directive in the integrated web server configuration file at the path /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ihttpd.conf in the listen section;
  6. Restart the integrated web server using the command systemctl restart ihttpd.

Now that the panel is accessible by domain name, you can switch the integrated web server to listen to the local IP address. Change the IP address in the embedded web server configuration file at the path /usr/local/mgr5/etc/ihttpd.conf to in the listen section so that the section looks in the following way:

listen {

If a non-standard port 1500 was used to access the panel web-interface, specify its number in this section using the port directive.

After making the changes, restart the integrated web server service:

systemctl restart ihttpd


After that, the web interface of the panel will be accessible only by domain name. To make the web applications (phpMyAdmin, Roundcube) also available by domain name, disable the “Enable work with external applications via SSL” option in the “Web server settings” section.

Now your panel can only be accessed by domain name!

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