Obsolete website creation and editing form
Starting with version 6.31.0, ISPmanager 6 Lite, Pro, Host uses a new form for creating and editing sites. In the new form:
- some parameters of site creation have been changed;
- added the ability to select or create a database for the site.
The site.edit function is used to create and modify the site via the new form, and the webdomain.edit function is used to create and modify the site via the old form.
To enable the creation of sites via the old form, add the following line to the ISPmanager configuration file
Option EnableOldSiteForm
If you use plugins with the webdomain.edit function, you can enable forced site creation for plugins via a new form. To do it, add the following line to the ISPmanager configuration file
Option ForceEnableNewSiteForm
and check the plugins.