Updates for lifetime licenses
Every lifetime license for any ISPsystem software product includes one year of free updates. After one year, updates can be obtained with a yearly subscription, which cost equals 50% of the yearly license cost.
How will I know that updates for my license have expired?
Once updates for your lifetime license expire, you will see the following notification in the admin's interface:
"Updates Subscription for your license expired on ... Please contact your vendor"
The client can check the expiration date in his Client area.

or execute the command in the console:
/usr/local/mgr5/sbin/licctl info mgrName
What will happen if I don't update?
- The control panel will continue working but you won't be able to update it to a newer version.
- If several ISPsystem's control panels are running on the same server, and subscription for one of them expires, none of the panels on that server will get further updates.
- You cannot add new servers to the cluster in ISPmanager Business, VMmanager, or DCImanager.
- Some integration modules with third-party solutions may work incorrectly due to the changes made by a third-party.
- You may need to migrate to a new server. To import the control panel from one server to another, you need to install a trial version on a new server and when the import is completed, change the IP address of the lifetime license into the IP of the trial license. The trial license always installs the latest version available. So, the lifetime license with the expired updates package won't be able to work with that new version on the new server.
How to purchase updates
For end users
If you purchased a lifetime license directly from ISPsystem (https://my.ispsystem.com), buy updates in your Client area → ISPsystem licenses.

If you purchased a license from one of ISPsystem's resellers or partners, you won't be able to obtain updates subscription from ISPsystem. Contact your license vendor directly.
For partners
Reselling using API
If you resell ISPsystem's licenses using the API, the request for a lifetime license update will look like this:
Reselling of licenses through BILLmanager 4
If you resell licenses using BILLmanager 4 integrated with BILLmanager 5, you can purchase updates as follows:
- Go to your ISPsystem Client area.
- Generate an expense for subscription in BILLmanager 4 (Clients → Expenses → Create).
The reselling module in BILLmanager 4 doesn't support the reselling of update subscriptions and we no longer develop and support it. We strongly recommend that you upgrade to BILLmanager 5.
Reselling of licenses through BILLmanager 5
The cost of the update subscription equals 50% of the yearly license cost.
Technical details
We use the separate repositories to ensure the correct operation of every version of a control panel:
CentOS: http://download.ispsystem.com/repo/centos/5.200/mirrorlist.txt
Debian: http://download.ispsystem.com/repo/debian 5.200-wheezy main
A control panel will run under a certain version enabling you to install additional packages (e.g. when you add a cluster node) for your control panel once its updates expire.
Starting from version 5.50 the system performs additional checks:
- /usr/local/mgr5/sbin/licctl info
is called, and the Update expire parameter is read - Update expire is compared with a date on the licensing server.
- The system will connect a repository of a certain version, which release data is closest to but not larger than the Updates subscription expiration date (Update expire). If updates of your license have expired, the latest repository will be connected.
Initially, stable5 or beta5 will be connected depending on a version you choose. If licctl info returns the "Update expire" parameter during the next license check, the repository will be changed (as described above). If the "Update expire" parameter is not received, the repository will remain unchanged stable5/beta5.
Once updates for your license expire, the panel kernel will no longer change the repository to a new version, thus blocking updates for a software product.
If you enabled the option "Do not update", the repository file won't be changed into the actual one during license download. In order to get updates for the panel, select "Update ISPsystem products", download the license file, and update the panel manually.