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ISPmanager 5 Lite Documentation

Integration with BILLmanager


This article can be used by developers of ISPmanager 5 and plug-ins to this control panel.

Here you can find a list of functions that are used for integration with BILLmanager. Be very attentive when making changes to the API and parameters of these function, as they may affect integration with the billing panel.

  • Get information:
  • func=preset&out=xml
  • func=preset.edit&out=xml&elid=
  • func=user
  • func=reseller
  • func=reseller.edit
  • func=admin
  • func=ftp.user
  • Edit:
  • func=ipaddr.edit&sok=ok&elid=&name=&iprole=assigned&owner=
  • func=ipaddr.edit&sok=ok&iptype=&name=&iprole=assigned&owner=
  • func=ipaddr.delete&elid=
  • func=user.add.finish