Reselling BitNinja licenses

This is a BitNinja license, which can be purchased in the Licenses → Other software section of your Client area. This version can be used on a server without ispmanager. Installation is performed through the server console.

Oder BitNinja license

To order, use the softexternal.order.param function with the following parameters:

  • period — service validity period. Possible values:
    • period=1 — 1 month license purchase;
    • period=3 — 3 months license purchase;
    • period=6 — 6 months license purchase;
    • period=12 — 1 year license purchase;
    • period=-100 — order trial license.


  • pricelist — tariff plan code. Possible values:
    • pricelist=55369 — for oder using


  • licname — license name. Both Russian and Latin characters are allowed. Limited to 255 characters.
  • skipbasket — debit and activate the service at once, ignoring the shopping cart. Possible values:
    • skipbasket=on — ignore the shopping cart. Order, charge, and activate the service immediately;
    • skipbasket=off — add to the shopping cart. Order, but not activate, the service is waiting for payment in the cart.


  • autoprolong — auto-renew. Must be equal to the period value. If a different value is specified, auto-renewal will not be enabled for the service. Possible values:
    • autoprolong=1 — 1 month auto-renewal;
    • autoprolong=3 — 3 months auto-renewal;
    • autoprolong=6 — 6 months auto-renewal;
    • autoprolong=12 — 1 year auto-renewal;
    • autoprolong=null — no auto-renewal.
License order example

The request will result in payment and immediate activation of BitNinja license for 1 month in client area, with the name specified in the Name field and auto-renewal for 1 month.

Renew BitNinja license

To renew the license, use the service.prolongfunction with the following parameters:  

  • elid — the service ID;
  • period — service validity period. Possible values:
    • period=1 — 1 month;
    • period=3 — 3 months;
    • period=6 — 6 months;
    • period=12 — 1 year.

The service will be extended immediately after the request is fulfilled, so there should be enough funds on your client area balance.

Example of license renewal

As a result, the BitNinja license with the ID 123456789 will be renewed for 1 month. The funds will be deducted from your account balance.

Delete BitNinja license

  To delete the BitNinja license, use the softexternal.delete function with the following parameters:

  • elid — the service ID.
License deletion example

As a result, the BitNinja license with the ID 123456789 will be removed from your client area.

View BitNinja licenses

To view BitNinja licenses, use the softexternal function with the following parameters:

  • out — data output. Possible values:
    • out=xml — the data will be returned in XML format (with no pagination and no filters);
    • out=devel — same as XML, but the document will contain data describing the user interface (useful for debugging your plugins);
    • out=text — the data in text format (with no pagination and no filters);
    • out=sjson — the data in JSON format;
    • out=json — same as sjson, only Pretty Print (useful for debugging);
    • out=JSONdata — same as JSON, but without interface descriptions, just data (no pagination and no filters);
    • out=xjson — similar to the default output format (html), but in JSON format (recommended for creating custom themes);
    • out=print — printable HTML, works for data lists only.
Example of displaying information about licenses

The result will be a JSON string with an array of all BitNinja licenses in elem.

To view the data of a single BitNinja license, use the softexternal.edit function with the following parameters:

  • elid — service ID;
  • out — data output.
Example of displaying information about one license

The result will be a JSON string that contains information about the BitNinja license with ID 123456789.