

Validators are special functions of COREmanager that are used to validate data before they are entered into the form.

Developers can add custom validators by creating descendants of the isp_api::CheckValue class or external handlers that will output a result in the following format:

    <doc stylesheet="validator"

Where the value node contains a field value, which may differ from the original one. For example, you can use lower-case symbols or convert a record into a certain format. Or an error, if the value check failed. See Errors.

A call to the validator may contain the following parameters:

value - value to check

args - value of the @checkargs attribute

name - parameter name (it is used for localizing error messages)

funcname - name of the form's function-handler, from which the validator was called (it is used for localizing error messages)

To associate the validator with a field, use the following attributes:

check - validator name without prefix

checkargs - any name that will be passed to the validator. The string format depends on a validator.

General recommendations

  • The name of the validator-function should start with the "check" prefix (it is set automatically for descendants of the isp_api::CheckValue class)
  • The validator should consider empty values valid. To forbid empty values, use the @required attribute
  • Insignificant spaces can be cut (both before and after the value). If the value will get empty after you have cut it, it should be considered valid.
  • The validator should not check the length of a value using the @maxlength parameter. However, if you are going to use the validator for fields with @zoom, @maxlength will limit the size of the whole value, while the validator processes every string separately.

List of COREmanager validators

The following is a list of COREmanager validators, their parameters, and a short description.


Username check. By default, only the Latin-alphabet letters, digits, and printable characters up to 0x7e are allowed, except for " ,\t:+&#%$^(){}[]!@~*?<>=|\\/\"'`". All the letters will be lower-cased. The name cannot start or end with a dot, and the '-' or '_' symbols. Possible values (several parameters can be specified comma separated):

case - do not convert symbols to lower-case

upper- convert all symbols to upper-case (if specified, it has a higher priority than the case parameter)

digit - username size limit (the default value is 16)

E.g. (check that the string contains a valid user name up to 8 characters long. The value will be converted to upper-case):

<input type="text" name="name" check="username" checkargs="upper,8"/>


An integer. You can specify the maximum and the minimum value comma separated. One or both parameters can be omitted. For example (check the parameter value. It should be less than 100, the minimum value is not specified - or a negative number will be skipped):

<input type="text" name="sum" check="int" checkargs=",100"/>

You can specify one of the following data types as a parameter (data types in C/C++ are given in brackets):

  • int (int);
  • uint (unsigned int);
  • long (long long);
  • ulong (unsigned long long).

In the following example the values are omitted in the range [-2,147,483,648 : +2,147,483,647]:

<input type="text" name="sum" check="int" checkargs="int"/>


Similar to int, but for broken numbers.

The following data types can be specified as a parameter:

  • float;
  • double.


A value can contain the Latin alphabet letters, digits, symbols '-' and'_'. Cannot start and end with a digit and the '-' sign.


IP address. The value will be converted to a canonical way. By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are accepted. You can specify a specific class in parameter: v4 or v6. Example for IPv6 addresses:

<input type="text" name="address" check="ip" checkargs="v6"/>


Address of IP network in the format /. The value will be converted to a canonical form. By default both IPv4 and IPv6 networks are accepted. For IPv4 network, the mask should be from the range 0 to 32, for IPv6 - 0 to 128.In the parameter you can specify a certain class: v4 or v6. An example of IPv4 network:

<input type="text" name="network" check="net" checkargs="v4"/>


A range of IP addresses in one of the following formats:

a single address / network - range of address ip1 to ip2 included.

The string will be converted to a conical form. By default, both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses can be used. You can specify a specific class in the parameter: v4 or v6.


Fully qualified domain name. A second-level domain and higher. All the characters will be converted to lower-case. Possible values:

addlastdotadd a dot at the end of the nameallowlastdotallow a dot after the nameallowasterallow using '*.' as a name in the first part of the name (for example: *

By default, dots after the domain name will be deleted, the '*' symbol in the name cannot be used.


Domain name.


Domain name or reverse zone name.


File or directory name. If the fullname parameter is specified, only file names without directory will be accepted.


Email address  mailbox_name@domain_name




Date in the format 'Y-m-d'.


Date and time in the format 'Y-m-d H:M:S'.


ASCII printable characters from the range '0x20-0x7F'.


Uniform Resource Locator


Password validator

Password strength. By default, the control panel accepts any password. Specify the PWStrength parameter in the configuration file to set the minimum number of characters (a rational number 0 to 3). You can pass an absolute or relative (put '+' or '-' before the value) in the parameter. Do not specify the validator, if the field has the @checkpasswd attribute. It will set automatically if another validator is not specified.

This validator is implemented both on server and client sides (through javascript). When editing fields with passwords, other calls to the control panel are not made.

Password strength check can be disabled when working through API. To disable, pass the disablepasswordcheck parameter set to yes.