Description of forms
All requests that come to the panel when working with forms can be classified as follows:
- get - request to open the form. It is considered get, if the sok=ok parameter is not specified.
- setvalues - a special form of the get-request that can be used to fill out forms automatically. It is considered setvalues, if the sok=ok parameter is not specified, while the sv_field parameter is specified. It defines a name of the field that was modified. Read more in the Input form.
- set - clicking Ok will send this request. It is considered set, if the sok=ok parameter is specified.
- new - creation request. This is a set-request without any parameters or with empty elid parameter.
- edit - edit request. This is a set-request with the non-empty elid parameter.
The following attribute can be used in any tag in the form metadata:
remove_if attribute
Any tag in the form metadata can have the remove_if attribute. If the value of the attribute is specified as new, the tag will be cut when the get request with the empty elid parameter is sent. Any other values for this attribute are not processed.
The XML below describes the "General settings" form. This article describes the tags and attributes of this XML-code.
<metadata name="usrparam" type="form">
<field name="name">
<input type="text" name="name" readonly="yes"/>
<field name="theme">
<select name="theme"/>
<field name="lang">
<select name="lang"/>
<field name="atype">
<select name="atype">
<if value="atany" hide="addr"/>
<field name="addr">
<input type="text" name="addr" zoom="5" check="iprange"/>
<field name="startpage">
<select name="startpage"/>
<field name="rows">
<input type="text" name="rows" maxlength="4" check="int" checkargs="5,9999"/>
<field name="recordlimit">
<input type="text" name="recordlimit" maxlength="9" check="int" checkargs="1,999999999"/>
<field name="buttonview">
<select name="buttonview"/>
Interface description
All elements that are displayed in the form are described in the form tag.
- autocomplete - if the attribute is specified as autocomplete="off", it disables the browser autocomplete function;
- cancelrefresh - clicking the Cancel button will update the list from which a form should be called;
- maxwidth - the maximum width of the form will be set by default;
- nocancel - the Cancel button will not be displayed;
- nosubmit - the OK button will not be displayed;
- wizard - the Wizard will be displayed. The "first" value will display the first page, "middle" - one of the pages in the middle, "last" - the last one;
- helpurl - clicking the Help button will open the page specified in this attribute. If the __LANG__ macros is present in URL, it will be changed into an abbreviation of the user interface language. If it is not present, the help function of the current panel will be called, a form name will be sent in the topic parameter. This function must return the URL to corresponding documentation;
- clear - the form will be fully cleared, including all fields and checkboxes, while the first value will be set in all selects. Otherwise, .reset() will restore the initial values that were specified when the control panel was started. This attribute can be used when describing filter forms;
- progress - if not empty (we recommend setting progress="yes"), process statuses will be displayed once the form is sent to a server. If the attribute is set to progress="notime", process status will be displayed without an estimated time of completion. It can be used if the number of steps is unknown or time of completion varies. The value of the "wait" attribute indicates that progress may wait for the panel to restart (in other cases progress will disappear when the call is complete);
- title - a tag name, which contents will be used as a name of the element to be edited. If not specified, elid is used;
- page - refer to Tabs (the page element) for more details;
- field - see Form fields description (the field element) for more details.
Tabs (page element)
If the form contains multiple fields, you may use tabs to group related sets and to organize fields.
- name - tab name. Used for localization purposes;
- collapsed - tab state. If specified as collapsed="yes", the tab will be minimized.
The field element: describes fields in the tab. See Form fields description (the field element) for more details.
Form fields description (field element)
Form fields can locate in tabs or in the form tag. Both ways must not be used. A field name is taken from the same-name message written in the interface language. Beside the name, the field may have a detailed description that will display when moving a mouse cursor over the field name. It is taken from the hint_ message.
- name - field name, used for title localization, detailed description localization (hint), and conditional hiding;
- fullwidth - expand the field horizontally to the full width of the page, while the name of the field should be at the top of a separate line;
- formwidth - display the field to the width of the form, while the name of the field should be at the top of a separate line;
- noname - do not display field name (label);
- fixed - fixes a position of the field regardless of scrolling;
- input - matches input from HTML;
- textarea -multi-line input field;
- slider - selecting a number from a certain range;
- list - displaying a list with images and buttons in a form;
- tree - selecting a value from a list in a tree view htmldata element Displaying HTML data;
- textdata - output of text information;
- frame - frame display.
Input form
Each field can contain one or multiple input fields. Attributes that are used for all fields are given below. For configuring special types of fields you can use special attributes, which are further described in this article.
- name - field value will be taken from the tag, which name corresponds to the value of this attribute; Field Name. The value of the field will be read from the tag whose name corresponds to the value of this attribute. And at the moment of form submission, the field value will be passed in the parameter with this name;
- environ - if specified as environ="no", the value of this field will not be passed to external handlers using environment variables. Helpful for those fields which value exceed tens of kilobytes;
- readonly - if specified, the field will be read-only;
- level - see Introduction;
- convert - sets the algorithm for converting the value of the field. The value of this field will be converted using this algorithm when editing a record. When viewing it, the reverse conversion will be performed. Currently implemented:
- punycode when editing, a value from UTF-8 is converted to punycode format. It is expected that this algorithm will be used to convert domain names and email addresses. In the latter case, only the domain is converted, the mailbox name remains unchanged;
- money value is separated into groups of three digits by spaces;
- bytes/abytes value is converted to a readable size representation and back. For example, a value of 2048 will be displayed as “2Kb”. The panel will convert numbers larger than 1.000 by adding the appropriate suffix up to Tb. The former performs rounding to two decimal places, the latter does not convert the value if doing so would result in accuracy loss.
Convert is executed after the validator function is executed.
- required - if specified as required="yes", the field value can not be empty;
- save - if specified as save="yes", the control panel will remember the last value entered into the field upon creation of a new element (when elid is empty) and suggest it as a default value. If specified as save="always", the panel will remember the last value entered even if elid is not empty;
- setvalues - if specified as setvalues="yes", editing field values will send a request with all values and the sv_field parameter where the name of the changed field will be specified. It will return a list of values for fields and contents of lists (slist). All values that were sent will be inserted into the form. If specified as setvalues=“final”, when a preset changes a field with another preset, setvalues will not be triggered on that field. If setvalues=[number], setvalues will be triggered at intervals of that number of seconds. If setvalues="blocking", the form will be blocked for making any changes until a response comes from the panel.
Can be modified with setvalues:
- readonly attribute; to do this, enter the attribute readonly="yes" into the field value node to assign the attribute, or readonly="no" to remove the attribute;
- buttons (); new buttons (/doc/buttons/button) should be given in doc;
- mask attribute; to do this, give the attribute mask=“NEW_MASK” in the field value node;
- min/max attribute for the slider element;
- field prefix; to do this, you should give a node with a new prefix value;
- list values on the form;
- selection form value list, multiselection form values;
- new request messages.
- secured - if specified as secured="yes", in case of COOKIE authentication and if a request doesn't have the Referer heading, those fields and corresponding data will be removed from response;
- focus - forcibly sets the focus on an element;
- source - must contain a query to the control panel. If the value for the input field has not been set explicitly by the function, it will be sourced from the query results;
- if element - for all fields except slider. For more information see "Hide fields and tags (the if and else tag)";
- else element - for all fields except slider. For more information see "Hide fields and tags (the if and else tag)".
Input element
Input is used for creating text fields, checkboxes and a file select control for uploading a file.
type - field type. Possible values: text, checkbox, password, file, hidden;
checkpasswd - contains a name of the field to be checked against the value of the current field. If the values do not match, a message about mismatched passwords will be displayed;
genpasswd - a password generation button will be displayed, only for type="password";
safevalue - the parameter name must be specified as the value. If this parameter has been passed, it must contain a value that does not need to be checked or is checked by the programmer (for example: encrypted password value). In this case, no checks are performed on the main parameter (which name is passed in the @name attribute);
date - if specified, a calendar button will be displayed. Only for type="text". If specified as date="month", the calendar will only show year and month selection options;
oncesyncfield - used in conjunction with @date, selecting a date will set the same value to the field specified in the attribute if the field is empty;
maxlength - maximum length of a field;
unlimit - add an "unlimited value" button to the field. This value is passed as a value to this attribute;
width - width of a field;
zoom - allows to scale a text field vertically up to the specified number of rows. For example: zoom="5". If values are space separated and located in separate rows, the validator will be applied to each value;
duplicate - used together with the zoom attribute. If specified as duplicate="yes", the validator will skip duplicated values (by default duplicated values are not allowed).
check - name of the validator-function for checking this field. For checking/changing a value, the check.<name>
function will be called. The following parameters will be passed to the function: value - current value of the field , name - name of the field, args - value of the checkargs attribute, funcname - name of the function to be called. The function must return a value in the tag or the error tag containing error description;
checkargs - additional parameters for the function specified in the check attribute;
prefix - If specified, the field will display a prefix. The value of the prefix is set by the <"field name"prefix>
plainhint - displays a text description under an item, for certain item values. The description is sourced from localization messages named hint_CONTROLNAME_VALUE, where VALUE is the value of the element for which this text description should be displayed. Only for type="checkbox";
img - only for type="checkbox". Display the picture specified in the attribute next to the checkbox;
accept - only for type="file". Native html attribute.;
maxsize - only for type="file". To perform a check for the maximum size of the uploaded file. The attribute value must be specified in bytes. The localization message for displaying an error with the maximum allowed file size is sourced from maxsize_FIELDNAME;
mask - only for field type="text". You can set an input mask, the orion theme uses the following library Also input mask can be changed by setvalues, the mask attribute should be used;
mixed - if the value is mixed=“hide”, the field will be hidden during group editing in case the values in this field are different for different records.
Drop-down list (select element)
Select is used for drop-down menus and radio buttons.
type - if specified as type="radio", a select inserts radio buttons into a form. A multiselect is created when specified as type="multiple". Type="radioimg" creates a select with images. If specified as type="autocomplete", a select will be an autocomplete list. If not specified, a drop-down list will be displyed;
inline - display switches horizontally, only for type=“radio”. The attribute value specifies the maximum number of select values that can be displayed. If the list contains more values, it will be converted to a regular dropdown list;
depend - if specified, the contents of this list will depend on a current value of the list which name is specified as a value for this attribute. The attribute is not applicable for type="multiple" drop-down lists;
sort - specifies the sorting type. Possible values: alpha (alphabetical sorting; default), calpha (case-insensitive alphabetical sorting), digit (sorting in numerical ascending order), version (software version sorting), and ip (IP address sorting);
sorted - sort out by value description. Possible values: asc (in ascending order) or desc (in descending order). The list will be sorted out by displayed parameters;
required - requires selecting at least one value for type="multiple" drop-down lists. For other types does not affect processing in any way;
maxselect - only for type="multiple" lists. Specifies the maximum number of selected elements.
source - unlike other input fields, not only a value from a specified source can be set for select, but also a list of possible values. The source can be another form that returns a slist or a list. If it is a list, the list of values will be created from columns named key and keyname (if specified).
plainhint - displays a text description under the item, for certain item values. The description is sourced from localization messages with the name hint_CONTROLNAME__VALUE, where VALUE is the value of the item for which this text description should be displayed.
A list of values will be taken from the tag generated by the control panel while processing the get request. For example:
<slist name="lang">
<val key="en">English</val>
The lang list will contain 2 values: ru and en. The string to be displayed for tags (ru in our example) will be taken from the corresponding message. English will display for en. For compatibility with messages for list column values, a message named <select name>_< msg tag value>
is checked first. In case none is found, a message with a name corresponding to the msg tag value is taken (for compatibility purposes only, we recommend using variant prefixes).
For the tags in ( or ) the following attributes can be used:
key - enables to specify a value that will be sent to the control panel when selecting this variant, otherwise tag's contents will be used;
depend - specifies a value from the source list. This variant is only available if the corresponding value is selected in the source list. If depend is not specified, this variant will be available regardless what is selected in the source list;
priority - the value is an integer and specifies the priority for sorting. Values will be sorted in ascending order of priority, and then in the order set by the @sort and @sorted attributes of the corresponding input field;
img - specifies the name of the image from the theme to display next to the value. Only for regular select and type="radioimg”;
image - specifies the path to the off-theme image to display next to the value. Only for normal select and type="radioimg”;
width - specifies width of the displayed image. Used only with the attribute image;
height - specifies height of the displayed image. Used only with the attribute image.
Linked lists
Often the contents of one list are contingent on on the selections made in another. In COREmanager, this is managed through the use of the depend attribute. For example, you need to select a company and some product it produces. You can do this in the following way:
<metadata name="some_form" type="form">
<field name="company">
<select name="company"/>
<field name="product">
<select name="product" depend="company"/>
<slist name="company">
<slist name="product">
<val depend="Canon">EOS 1100D</val>
<val depend="Canon">EOS 5D Mark III</val>
<val depend="Nikon">D800</val>
<val depend="Nikon">D4</val>
In the above example selecting company=Canon will enable to choose the following products: EOS 1100D and EOS 5D Mark III. Selecting Nikon will enable to choose between D800 and D4.
Auto-complete list
The auto-complete list works through the preset mechanism. When a user clicks on a field, a preset request is sent to retrieve the default list values. When a user enters a text, a preset request is sent to retrieve the list of values found by the data entered by the user. When the form is submitted, only the key from the list is sent.
Multi-line input field (textarea element)
height - height of a field;
rows - number of rows in an input field;
wrap - if specified as wrap="off", text will be displayed without wordwrapping;
quote - adds a "quote" button;
editor - adds syntax highlighting for the field;
codelang - which language syntax highlighting to be displayed;
texteditor - adds WYSIWYG field editor;
bcolor - sets the color of the background, for example: red, #CCCCCCCC.
When editing files, please note that all line breaks are encoded in \r\n by default when submitting a form.
WYSIWYG editor plugin
In TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor the isp_bill_macro
plugin is used to insert macros.
The list of macros is taken from the olist element by the name of the source textarea.
<olist name="message">
<val key="@USERNAME@">Username</val>
<val key="@REALNAME@">Full real name</val>
<val key="@ACCOUNT_ID@">Account ID</val>
Slider element
Element for selecting a number from a specified range.
min - specifies the minimum value for this field. The value can be changed using the min tag containing a value of this field;
max - specifies the maximum value for this field. The value can be changed using the max tag containing a value of this field;
step - specifies the slider pitch.
min and max values can be further specified directly in the tag containing the field value. The following example shows slider with its minimum value set to 10 and the maximum value set to 20 (while metadata contains different values).
<metadata name="test" type="form">
<field name="field">
<slider name="sl_field" min="0" max="100"/>
<sl_field min="10" max="20">15</sl_field>
Period element
This element is used for selecting a time period, i.e. two dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
default - default value for the time period. Possible values: today, currentweek, currentmonth, currentyear, lastday, lastweek, lastmonth, lastyear, nodate.
This element is converted into a select and two input fields. The values will be specified in the internal_<@name>start
and internal_<@name>end
parameters or through IParam. In this case the internal_
prefix is not required.
List element
List display element in a form.
<metadata name="sel.form.basket" type="form" mgr="testmgr" decorated="yes">
<field name="list">
<list name="list" key="id">
<col name="image" type="img" width="48px" height="48px"/>
<col name="desc" type="data"/>
<col name="frommsg" type="msg"/>
<col name="price" type="data" align="right"/>
<col name="checkbox" type="control" align="right"/>
<col name="action" type="button" align="right"/>
key - row identifier, will be passed as a parameter when the button is pressed from this row;
type - type of display (optional attribute).
Types of display:
- block - display as blocks;
- table - dispaly as a table, table headers will be sourced from localization messages of column names with list_ prefixes.
col element - describes a column of the list table.
Attributes of the col element:
type - sets column data type;
Column data types:
- data: text or HTML;
- msg: text from local messages;
- img: an image;
- button: a button;
- control: a control item (checkbox).
align - sets the horizontal alignment of the text. Possible values: right, center, left;
width - sets the column width (the value is specified in px, i.e. “30px”). Also sets width for the type="img";
height - sets height of an image. Only for type="img".
The contents of the list will be sourced from the tag.
<list name="list">
<desc>LCD Monitor 17''</desc>
<price>25,00 USD</price>
<button name="edit" type="setvalues"/>
<button name="delete" type="setvalues"/>
Tree element
Selection tree element.
<metadata name="file.folder" type="form">
<field name="dirlist" fullwidth="yes">
<tree name="dirlist" rows="20" multiple="yes"/>
row - defines a number of rows in the tree;
multiple - allows tp select miltiple options from a tree.
The contents of the list will be sourced from the tag.
<tlist name="dirlist">
<val key="2f" img="p-file-0">
<val key="2f62696e" img="p-file-0">bin</val>
<val key="2f626f6f74" img="p-file-0">boot</val>
<val key="2f726f6f74" img="p-file-0">
<val key="2f726f6f742f2e617567656173" img="p-file-0">.augeas</val>
<val key="2f726f6f742f2e6361636865" img="p-file-0" collapsed="yes">.cache</val>
<val key="2f726f6f742f2e636f6e666967" img="p-file-0" collapsed="yes">.config</val>
<val key="2f726f6f742f2e6c6f63616c" img="p-file-0" collapsed="yes">.local</val>
<val key="2f72756e" img="p-file-0" collapsed="yes">run</val>
<val key="2f7362696e" img="p-file-0">sbin</val>
<val key="2f73656c696e7578" img="p-file-0">selinux</val>
The val element attribute description:
img - sets an image next to an item name;
key - sets the item value;
collapsed - indicates that the element has child elements; loading of child elements will be done by setvalues, to retrieve child elements a request will be sent: func=FUNC&elid=ELID&plid=PLID&FIELD_NAME=FIELD_VALUE&sv_field=FIELD_NAME&sv_tree=yes
, where FUNC is the name of the form function, ELID is the form elid, PLID is the form plid, FIELD_NAME is the tree name, FIELD_VALUE is the value of the selected element.
Information fields
The following fields are read-only. Data cannot be modified.
Htmldata element
This field displays HTML-data. HTML will be passed unchanged to the browser.
chheight - enables to change height of htmldata by means of other input field (should be located below), which id is sent as a value of this attribute;
height - height of a field.
Text data output (textdata element)
The field displays additional information in a form.
type - mandatory field defining the type of data source;
warning - sets the red color of the text.
Possible types:
- msg: the contents will be sourced from the localized message. A message name will be taken from the name attribute (the field name must not be the same as the element name, due to display peculiarities in the sirius theme).
- msgdata: the contents will be sourced from the localized message. A message name will be taken from the tag, which name is specified in the name attribute.
- data: the contents will be taken from the tag, which name is specified in the name attribute.
Img element
Used in conjunction with textdata and htmldata. The element is used to display an image to the left of the element.
width - sets the image width;
height - sets the image height;
img - theme sprite image name.
A path to the image is specified in the field value. If the img attribute is specified, the image will be sourced from the theme sprite.
<field name="textdata_img">
<img name="image_field" width="48" height="48"/>
<textdata name="textdata_img" type="data"/>
Text data output (desc element)
Used only in conjunction with input, checkbox and slider. The element is used to display additional information to the right of the element.
<field name="dummy_name">
<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox_name"/>
<desc name="some_name"/>
Links (link element)
The element is used to display links in a form.
target - native link attribute (;
internal - if specified as internal="yes", the link will open as a child tab of the manager;
newtab - used in conjunction with the internal attribute, the link will be opened in a new tab of the manager.
<metadata type="form">
<field name="link">
<link name="link" target="_blank"/>
Frame element
The element is used to display a frame.
height - sets the height of the element.
<metadata type="form">
<field name="myframe">
<frame name="myframe" height="50px"/>
Date and time display (datetime element)
The element is used to display time and date. The element will display the current date and time in the format YYYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
<metadata type="form">
<field name="mydatetime">
<datetime name="mydatetime" setvalues="30"/>
<mydatetime>2014-12-15 10:11:16</mydatetime>
name - specifies the element name;
setvalues - the time of setvsalues call in seconds.
Multiple elements in one field
It is possible to display two elements in one field.
The following combinations are available:
- Input element (type="text") + Select element;
- Input element (type="text") + Link element;
- Input element (type="text") + Input element (type="text");
- Input element (type="text") + Input element (type="checkbox");
- Select element + Link element.
Buttons (buttons section)
This section is used to describe buttons on a form.
By default OK and Cancel buttons are shown, however you can hide any of them, or add 4 more buttons - Reset, Back, Next, and a button that will call preset,
How it works. If buttons is not present, @nocancel, @nosubmit attributes will be handled, and the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons will be shown correspondingly.
If the buttons section is present, the buttons that it describes will be shown, and form attributes will be ignored.
Button element
This element describes a button.
- name - button name. This value is taken from localization messages with the msg_ prefix by an attribute value;
- keepform - is used together with type="blank", if specified as keepform="yes", the form won't be closed after data submission;
- type - button type, defines its behavior;
- func - only for type="cancel"; after the form is closed, the user will be redirected to a module specified in the attribute;
- blocking - applicable only for setvalues; clicking this button will show a loader unless presets has been completed;
- disabled - disables a button.
Possible types:
- ok - send a form;
- cancel - close a form;
- reset - set to default values;
- next - button for Wizards, adds the snext=ok parameter to a form;
- back - button for Wizards, adds the sback=ok parameter to a form;
- blank - open a form in a new window;
- setvalues - call a preset, a name of the button will be sent as a value of the sv_field parameter;
- func - open a child list/form, a function name is specified in the func attribute.
An XML example with all kinds of buttons:
<form ...>
<button name="back" type="back"/>
<button name="ok" type="ok"/>
<button name="cancel" type="cancel"/>
<button name="next" type="next"/>
<button name="reset" type="reset"/>
<button name="blank" type="blank"/>
<button name="setvalues" type="setvalues"/>
Hide fields and tags (the if and else tag)
COREmanager web-interface enables to hide some form elements depending on values of other elements. The if and else tags are used for that purpose. In the if tag you should specify the value. The else condition will be applied if no if tag with a corresponding value was found. The else condition can be used only in select fields.
If you need to hide several fields using one condition, specify several if tags with the same condition and various values of the hide attribute, or several else tags.
Attention: you can only hide fields and tags described after. If the field is located on the second tab, depending on its value you can hide other fields located on this tab after. You also can hide tabs starting from the third. Values of a hidden field won't affect other fields.
empty - if specified as empty="yes", the if tag will be applied when the field is empty. If specified as empty="no", the if tag will be applied when the field is not empty. This attribute can be used only in conditions in input fields;
value - specifies a value for the if condition. Values for checkboxes: "on" and "off". This attribute cannot be used in conditions in input fields;
hide - specifies a name for the form or the tab to be hidden;
shadow - if specified as shadow="yes", the form will be read-only. The description of this field will be appended with a message named shadow_hint_<field name>.
In the example below, select will hide the form element named second if the "show first" value is specified, otherwise the "first" element will be hidden.
<select name="list_name">
<if value="show first" hide="second"/>
<else hide="first"/>
To hide the field with all possible values for select but one, specify the following:
<select name="list_name">
<if value="show first"/>
<else hide="first"/>
Add the messages section to describe messages in a form.
The following XML describes messages for the Background tasks edit form:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<lang name="ru">
<messages name="longtask.edit">
<msg name="title">Background task</msg>
<msg name="hint_name">Name of the script or executable file</msg>
<msg name="hint_queue">Queue name</msg>
<msg name="hint_id">Task number</msg>
<msg name="hint_pidfile">Path to the PID-file</msg>
<msg name="hint_params">List of task parameters</msg>
<msg name="name">Script name</msg>
<msg name="pidfile">PID-file</msg>
<msg name="queue">Queue name</msg>
<msg name="id">Task number</msg>
<msg name="depends">Dependences</msg>
<msg name="startdate">Start time</msg>
<msg name="enddate">End time</msg>
<msg name="params">Additional information</msg>
These messages are used as follows:
- description for tabs and messages is sourced from the tag of the sema name;
- when moving a mouse cursor over a field name, a hint will be displayed. The hint is sourced from the message named "hint_".
- it's possible to specify a placeholder for text input fields: the text will be displayed in a field with an empty value. The text is sourced from the message named "placeholder_"
- Form heading:
- for new requests, the heading form is sourced from the tag named "title_new" or "title", if it is not found;
- for edit requests, the heading form is sourced from the tag named "title". Contents of the tag which name is specified in the @title attribute of the
tag will be added at the end of the message. If the @title attribute for theform
is not specified, it will be taken from the tag.
If any of the above messages is not specified, COREmanager will try to find it in the common messages section.
- for the Ok button, the "msg_ok" message is used;
- for the Cancel button, the "msg_cancel" message is used.
A full list of messages used in forms can be found in the form messages section. You can override any of these in the form messages.