Using a DKIM signature generated in the panel

Using a DKIM signature generated in the panel


You’ll need to specify a panel-generated DKIM signature on a third-party DNS server if the panel interface does not display the "Manage DNS" section.

For example, a DNS server is not installed and not used for some reason and all the domains are managed from an external DNS server.


The DKIM signature generated in the panel is stored in the file /etc/exim4/ssl/<domain-name>.txt.

The file itself is the public part of the key, which is needed to host the nameservers.

Depending on the operating system, the path may look different:

  • /etc/exim4/ssl/<domain-name>.txt - for Debian and Ubuntu.
  • /etc/exim/ssl/<domain-name>.txt - for CentOS and AlmaLinux.


Use the "cat" utility to get the contents of the file

:~# cat /etc/exim4/ssl/<domain-name>.txt
dkim._domainkey    IN    TXT    ( "v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; s=email; "
"p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDFIXovtk8oFPwv3HevFYUSWE7W1miuMjyIzy5fJShNTwNAWvmPhzYtjV64+VfqkrmIQwbsO0V5AzCUTT13KsMDUlIXd7yb8KzDnPoN8iBqphcw5PRLre32KQqB+Q9K8I7Hf1uyQ3OV5AUz8IVSHhbyzQ5bpXOIj1/6A8iRVZxIxQIDAQAB" )  ; ----- DKIM key dkim for domain.com

In this case, the TXT record will take the following form:

  • The name of the record is dkim._domainkey.domain.com.
  • The record type is TXT
  • Record value
v=DKIM1; h=sha256; k=rsa; s=email; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDFIXovtk8oFPwv3HevFYUSWE7W1miuMjyIzy5fJShNTwNAWvmPhzYtjV64+VfqkrmIQwbsO0V5AzCUTT13KsMDUlIXd7yb8KzDnPoN8iBqphcw5PRLre32KQqB+Q9K8I7Hf1uyQ3OV5AUz8IVSHhbyzQ5bpXOIj1/6A8iRVZxIxQIDAQAB

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