Changes of the PHP version or mode does not apply to a subdomain

Changes of the PHP version or mode does not apply to a subdomain


After changing of the PHP handler version or mode in the website settings, the website still showing previous settings of the PHP handler.


There is the wildcard alias in the website settings for the main domain.


Website with the domain name "example.com" using the PHP 7.4.3 handler in the "Apache module" mode. In its settings the wildcard alias is placed - "*.example.com".

Website with the subdomain "sun.example.com" using the PHP 5.6.40" handler in the "CGI" mode.

In this case web server will use handler of the main domain because of the wildcard alias even if user is trying to reach subdomain.


Remove wildcard alias from "Website aliases" field in the website settings for the main domain.

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