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What's new on ispmanager
# News
06 February 2023
1 minute
What's new on ispmanager

What's new on ispmanager

We have released, in beta version 6.67 dated February 2, some interface improvements, set up support for a new OS, and fixed some bugs.

Rocky Linux support added

We have released Rocky Linux 8 for ispmanager lite, pro, & host. The ninth version of the same software package is coming soon, as well as RHEL 8-9 and Alma Linux.

Quick Notification Center in place

We've launched a Notification Center: a dedicated ispmanager section where you can view your new and old messages. Inside, it's a Go-based micro-feature, operating asynchronously. The system works faster and is more failure-proof with this solution in place. Here are some of the more salient benefits of our Notification Center.

Notification Center in the ispmanager interface. The panel shows the messages on the page and saves them in a separate window. Messages can be viewed from any section of the panel. Viewed messages are saved, and can be pulled up any time.
Notification Center in the ispmanager interface
  • The panel shows the messages on the page and saves them in a separate window.
  • Messages can be viewed from any section of the panel.
  • Viewed messages are saved, and can be pulled up any time.
  • A message pops up pretty much instantly after the event occurs. Previously, messages could not be displayed more frequently than once every 15 seconds. If multiple events happened during this interval, notification would be delayed.
  • Progress of the process can be tracked from any section of ispmanager. Having launched backup copying or script installation, you can easily pass to other business on the panel - ispmanager will keep you posted on the progress. Previously, the progress of any task could only be tracked in the section where it had been launched.
  • You can mark messages as 'read' and browse them. This is for you to feel comfortable closing notifications without the fear of losing them irretrievably.

You can drag and drop files to file manager.

Drag'n'drop to load files: you can add multiple files and folders with the nesting structure remaining intact.

These are not all updates included in the 6.67 release: see the full list of fixes and improvements in our Change Log. Join us on Discord: Read, ask questions, and tell us what you think of ispmanager!

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