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ispmanager on Jelastic virtual servers
01 September 2017
1 minute

ispmanager on Jelastic virtual servers

For more than 15 years ispmanager helps thousands of users all over the world manage their web-servers. Providers rate ispmanager as an ideal solution for managing virtual and dedicated servers. Besides, this control panel can run on new platforms, such as AWS, Alibaba or Jelastic. So, you don’t need to change your control panel to a new one when you move to new platforms. This can be shown by an example of eApps Hosting from the USA.

eApps used classical VPS and servers before they decided to choose Jelastic and Packet. During 6 years eApps clients managed their web-servers via ispmanager. eApps wanted to provide their customers with improved stability and preserve usability they already got used to.

eApps started a new business direction with Jelastic and organized the best Java/PHP-hosting for developers. However, many customers still use web-hosting services. Before eApps moved to Jelastic, they uploaded files, created databases, configured domains and backups via ISPmanager 4. eApps wanted to keep the same level of comfort, but move to a ispmanager of a new generation. Ispmanager Technical support team helped import their users. для разработчиков.

Jelastic architecture enables to create isolated virtual containers (independent Linux-machines on CentOS). Ispmanager is installed on operating system and allows users to manage their web-server in the same way as on other systems for orchestrating containers.

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