Ispmanager separates from ISPsystem and becomes an independent company
On March 24, 2022, our company ISPmanager separated from ISPsystem in order to continue its independent development.
The separation of ISPmanager into a separate company will give a serious impetus for development and independence in decision-making. We will focus on hosting and web development markets.
ISPmanager was the first ISPsystem product and now we are again becoming a mono-product company. In addition to the control panel, customers will be able to issue SSL certificates and buy modules for it.
Fedor Bogomolov becomes CEO at ISPmanager.
ISPmanager will have a separate client area. We will also inform you about the date of its appearance in our newsletters. Company website: ispmanager.com
ISPsystem will continue to develop the following infrastructure solutions: VMmanager, BILLmanager, DCImanager, DNSmanager, IPmanager.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them via mail help@ispmanager.com, through requests in the client area.