Changes in the work of ispmanager technical support in 2022
This year we began to apply new approaches to providing technical support: we organized a Quality Control Center, increased the number of specialists, introduced new technical support regulations. I would like to tell in more details what has changed and how it has affected user satisfaction.
We have increased the availability time of second-line specialists
For more than six months, we were hiring employees for technical support. The team has grown significantly, and its structure has also changed: now we have first- and second-line executives, as well as an education specialist.
Our technical support is in touch with the users around the clock, but second-line specialists were not always available. However, thanks to the increase in the number of people in the team, we have improved the situation: now the second line works from 4 a.m. till 10 p.m (GMT +3), and we plan to make the work schedule of the department 24/7.
We systematically train employees
With the separation of ispmanager into an independent company, the team has an opportunity to fully focus on the product and bend every effort on improving it. This has not bypassed technical support: all specialists take training, and the quality of their knowledge is monitored. Specially for these purposes we create educational videos, trainings, tests. Many materials are useful not only for us, but also for users.
We have prioritized the quality of the response
Now we pay great attention to the quality of the specialist's response, but not just speed. In priority is the stability of the servers and the client's business.
Every month we evaluate tickets randomly selected from the general queue for each engineer by 6 points. At the same time, the quality and completeness of the first response are evaluated separately. The final score of the ticket selection becomes the engineer's KPI and is reflects in option money.
We collect more of your feedback and process it all
On average, it is considered normal if up to 30% of customers leave feedback on tickets. But our users give it more than 40% of cases. This is a high indicator, and we are grateful to you for your personal involvement.
To collect feedback, we have created an additional channel, which is controlled directly by the company's management and employees of the quality center. Contacts for feedback are sent to the client after each closed ticket. We have also created a community in Discord, where you can communicate with other users and ispmanager specialists.
We study all received requests in detail to identify bottlenecks in the product and desired features. We forward the information to the development team.
Our CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) indicators average 93-94% for the last six months, and we are making every effort to reach 95% next year. /p>
Our plans
In the near future, we plan to create a Help Center — a portal that will contain an expanded knowledge base, documentation, feature request with the ability to leave suggestions and discuss the product.
We are also currently studying the issue of creating a new service that goes beyond the usual support. A separate team of engineers will provide paid services for the administration of customer infrastructure, including fine-tuning. If you are interested in using such services, let us know in any convenient way: by mail help@ispmanager.com, in Discord or in a chat on the site.