Obtaining and activating a trial license

Obtaining and activating a trial license


A trial license of ispmanager 6 may be useful to familiarize yourself with the product or to migrate your data to a new server.



A trial license can only be activated if a trial or commercial license has never been activated on the server before.

To get a trial license, log in to your account.

To get a trial license, go to the "Licenses" – "ispmanager Licenses" section and click on the "Order" button.

In the tab that opens, you’ll find the "Payment Period" drop-down list. There. select "Any" or "Trial", and then click the "Order" button for the relevant license: ispmanager 6 trial or ispmanager 6 business trial.

After ordering your license, a form with the license data will open. Enter the name of the license (optional) and the IP address of the server where your panel is installed.

You do not need to enter the IP address if your server is behind NAT and you will activate with the license key.

To obtain a license, click on the "Activate" button.

You can fill in the license details after ordering.

If you have already entered a license’s IP address, the panel will be activated automatically upon installation or after a few minutes if the panel is already installed.

You can speed up this process by clicking the "Update License Data" link in your ispmanager 6 dashboard, under "License Management".

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