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ISPmanager 5 Business Documentation

Install a web-script


Web-scripts allow for automatic installation of a content management system (CMS) and other software applications. The list of available scripts can be found in Web-server settings → Web-scripts. For more information please refer to the article List of web-scripts. 

You can install a script when creating a WWW-domain. Learn more under How to add a WWW-domain. Complete the steps described below to install a script on the newly created WWW-domain:  

  1. Go to Domains → WWW-domains → Scripts.
  2. Complete the following steps to install a script with the default parameters:
    1. Click Quick install.
    2. Read and accept the terms of the Service agreement.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Provide the Installation settings.
    5. Provide the Application settings. 
    6. Check that the  PHP and database requirements are met. 
    7. Click Next .
    8. Click Finish.
      The script will be installed into the WWW-domain directory. Its content will be overwritten so you may lose your data. If the directory is not present, the system will create it.
      The control panel creates a notification with information about the script settings. To view this notification, go to System statusNotifications. For example, if you installed Wordpress, the notification will contain the database name, administrator name and password, and user name and password.
  3. Perform the following steps  to set up the script parameters: 
    1. Click on Install.
    2. Enter the script parameters. 
    3. Click on Next.
    4. Read and accept the User Agreement. 
    5. Click on Next.
    6. Enter the  Installation parameters.
    7. Enter the Application parameters.
    8. Check that all the  PHP and database requirements are met.
    9. Click on Next.
    10. Click on Finish.
      The script will be installed into the specified directory. Its content will be overwritten so you may lose your data. If the directory is not present, the system will create it.