Poli Systems GmbH

Domain pointers / redirectors

Add the possibility to specify a maxium domain pointers.
This parameter is not the "Website" number parameters.

Basically it would be a function, that when specified you can redirect another domain like test1.com to test.com, without it counting towards your Website total count.
This could allow to create plans like this :

1 Website hosting

5 Domain names

5 Domain redirectors

Or make it work directly on the alias function of the website, so that you can allow another domain as alias ?

09.07.2024 13:05

Added to backlog
Mary K


Thanks for your feedback. Basically in a user settings you can specify a limit on the number of DNS domains. But it is currently impossible to limit the number of aliases / redirects. We have not planned to implement such a limitation yet. We will see if the community supports this feature.
But you can create a plugin yourself that will take into account the number of aliases in sites. Documentation

14.08.2024 06:52