29 September 2022 Reading time: 3 minutes

Marina Nifontova


September 27 release: Telegram notifications and interface improvements


Ispmanager received another update. Here's what's new in the beta and stable versions.

Beta release 6.59.0

Telegram notifications

You can receive notifications from ispmanager via Telegram - in private messages or in the community. For instructions on how to create a bot and connect it to ispmanager, see the documentation.

Design improvements

The new menu will become more convenient and beautiful. We have added the ability to minimize it to enlarge the workspace of the screen and changed the design of icons.

The new main menu has a compact appearance
The new main menu has a compact appearance

The dashboard in ispmanager is used by default as the start page. But now you can change it in the panel settings. The link to the home page is always available on the left in the top navigation menu. By the way, it has also been updated and made more compact.

In addition to these updates, we released other improvements and fixes in the 6.59.0 beta release. See the in changelog. for a complete list of changes.

Stable release 6.58.0

Main menu updates

Previously, in ispmanager 6 Lite, Host, Pro, you could use the alternative main menu. It was taken from the previous generation of the panel - ISPmanager 5. Starting with the beta release of August 30, the option to use the ISPmanager 5 menu has been disabled. And on September 27 this change was included into the stable release.

Only the new menu remains available to users. The layout and names of some sections in it are different - if you have any questions about navigation, we invite you to ask them in the community to technical support.

In the Business version, the menu remains unchanged.

Interface improvements

Some data can be edited directly in the tables without opening a separate form. So, for example, you can change the names of files and directories in the file manager and levels in the logging settings.

Editing file manager data directly from a table
Editing file manager data directly from a table

It became more convenient to adjust the width of the tables: when you drag one column, neighboring columns adjust to the new size.

Now the width of the columns changes in a cascade - it is now easier to adjust the size of the tables
Now the width of the columns changes in a cascade - it is now easier to adjust the size of the tables

Another improvement for tables is data filtering. You can open this setting by right-clicking in the table header or select filtering directly in the required cell.

Setting up filters in tables
Setting up filters in tables

When you create a website, you can immediately deploy a database for it. Previously, you would have had to go to another section of the panel to do this.

Setting up the database on the website creation form. We'll be releasing another improvement soon.
Setting up the database on the website creation form. We'll be releasing another improvement soon. You will be able to edit any fields on the page - the new database window will not block them

Managing PHP versions for each website in the Business version

Recently, we told you that in ispmanager Business you can install PHP versions separately for each website, even if you do not use CloudLinux. Now this update goes to the stable version. Read more in the news:Configuring alternative PHP versions for ispmanager Business.


  • The ImunifyAV and Site.pro modules are not installed by default when you install the panel.
  • The number of password code attempts for two-step authentication is limited. After three unsuccessful login attempts, access to the panel is blocked for half a minute.
  • Added an option to permanently hide the update warning banner.

We didn't tell you about all the improvements of the release. For a complete list of changes and fixes, see the changelog. There you can also vote for the features you like, which we plan to release - we take your wishes into account.